Paper: Long term availability of raw experimental data in experimental fracture mechanics
In this blog post we briefly present the results of our first paper [1]. Having access to raw experimental data is a cornerstone for reproducibility in experimental fracture mechanics, which is crucial to the scientific method. To study the long term availability, the corresponding authors of the eleven most cited papers, related to experimental fracture mechanics, for every year from 2000 up to 2016, were kindly asked about the availability of the raw experimental data associated with each publication. The Bibtex files containing these publications are available here. For the 187 e-mails sent: 22.46% resulted in outdated contact information, 57.75% of the authors did received our request and did not reply, and 19.79 replied to our request. The availability of data is generally low with only 11 available data sets (5.9%).
Table 1: Collection of the resulting answers from the 187 sent e-mails to the corresponding author from 200 to 2016.